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Troubleshooting SCORM files in eloomi
Troubleshooting SCORM files in eloomi

How to understand and overcome challenges with SCORM. SCORM issues. Questions about SCORM.

Ena Rosaroso Jacobsen avatar
Written by Ena Rosaroso Jacobsen
Updated over 8 months ago

This article will offer solutions to the most common questions about SCORM.

SCORM 1.2 and 2004, 1st to 4th edition are supported in the eloomi platform, and eloomi uses SCORM Cloud validation as the benchmark. As authoring tools and design may vary from SCORM conventions, you might experience challenges when your SCORM content is played in an LMS.

Below are answers for frequently asked questions, to help you troubleshoot SCORM.

1. A Skillsoft course shows a “player error”.

See this article for Troubleshooting Skillsoft as an Admin or as a user.

2. I’ve created a SCORM course, but it won’t play in eloomi.

Verify your SCORM’s type is compatible here.

3. My SCORM course seems to load but won’t play, or it loads but some elements such as videos are missing.

Verify your device meets the minimum hardware and browser requirements for eloomi. If you see a message saying, “Unable to play SCORM”, please read scenario 4.

4. The SCORM course won’t play for some users.

Verify in Standard Reports if other users have been able to start or complete the course. If yes, it’s likely the browser and/or hardware aren’t compliant. Please read scenario 3 for more information.

If across the board and from a similar date, your course stopped playing, you should confirm if the zip file was deleted and re-uploaded.

Replacing the zip file in the course builder while users are in progress could prevent the SCORM course from loading and you may see the message below.

When a SCORM course is initiated in eloomi, the platform looks for previous completion to allow users to begin from where progress was last saved. If the zip file has been deleted and/or replaced it won’t be possible for the platform to do this, and the course may not load for users. In cases such as this, delete the SCORM step, recreate it and re-upload your zip file. If the challenge persists, you can reset progress for users.

Bonus Info: Another cause of this message above is if a zip file larger than 1GB was uploaded in the SCORM step, or if your upload was interrupted and the zip file's contents weren't unpacked properly. Recreating the step and re-uploading should help remedy that.

5. I updated the content of my SCORM course and replaced the old zip file, and now the new file is not working.

Every SCORM upload in eloomi generates a unique trace identification associated with the file. With SCORM, this trace mechanism is complex due to the data transmission involved. When a file is replaced within the same step, it impacts this process of data transmission. This is why it is best to delete the old step and create a new one when replacing a SCORM zip file.

6. I bought a SCORM course, but it won’t play in eloomi.

Your provider might be blocking access. Contact them to verify and request that your eloomi domain is whitelisted.

7. Many users have started a SCORM course but reports in eloomi show 0% in the Progress column.

This is due to the checkpoints logic used in SCORM.

8. My users have completed a SCORM course, but reports show they haven’t completed it.

Users are required to mark the eloomi module as complete, in the top right corner. Standard Reports will capture the test score, which you will see if you click on a user in the module report, but until the ‘complete’ button is clicked, the module will remain ‘open’.

9. There is a test in my SCORM course, but users were able to complete the module without taking the course.

If Validate Completion isn’t toggled on in the SCORM step, users will be able to skip past the content without achieving the desired test score.

Navigate to Admin > Learning > Edit your module > toggle on Validate Completion without risk of scenario 4.

10. Users have to start again each time. Progress is not being saved.

If the course is of your own design, you’ll need to ensure its settings allow progress to be autosaved. This can be checked and applied in your authoring tool. Should you need to reupload a zip file in the platform, please check scenario 3.

11. The SCORM course I use for training and testing will no longer load.

Just like your favorite pair of running shoes may suffer after heavy usage for years, “wear and tear” can also apply to SCORM that is repeatedly tested. Reset progress in eloomi to correct this.

12. My users are stuck and unable to move past a specific point in the course.

This is likely a design issue, which you would need to repair in your authoring tool. eloomi plays SCORM as is therefore, if the content isn’t designed well this can only be remedied by its creator.

13. Why does a SCORM course launch in a separate browser tab when launched in eloomi?

14. The SCORM course loads on SCORM Cloud but not in eloomi.

Verify that the manifest file is placed in the main/root folder instead of in a sub-folder. SCORM files packaged this way will load on SCORM Cloud, but eloomi is unable to read the manifest file from a sub-folder and SCORM will not load for your users.

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