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Standard Reports in eloomi

This article is about reports which are available on the eloomi platfoms. It also shows which access is provided to employees and managers.

eloomi Admin avatar
Written by eloomi Admin
Updated over 3 years ago

In this article you will find information about Standard reporting capabilities in the platform allowing all levels of the organisation to access their individual statistics on assigned content in the platform.

You can access Standard Reports by navigating to Discover > Standard Reports.

In Standard Reports you can find the following reports: 

  1. Module insights 

  2. Program insights 

  3. Test results 

  4. Survey results 

  5. Work Engagement survey results 

  6. Checklists results 

  7. Leaderboard

Access to reports

The information available in the Standard Reports is different for users depending on their user rights, access group(s) or their place in the organizational hierarchy.

Users with regular user rights have access to the information regarding modules, programs, tests, checklists and surveys that were assigned to them. They can follow the progress and check the answers and scores from surveys and tests. 

Users with regular user rights who are Department or Team Managers, Department Learning Managers or Direct Managers of selected users will be able to monitor learning progress of their employees as well.

Users with Admin user rights can see progress and results of all users in the platform. 

It is also possible to restrict the access to Standard Report by creating an Access Group and adding users to the access group. To learn more about access groups check the article User Access Permissions.

Module insights

Accessing Module insights provides an overview of all modules in the platform assigned to at least one user, including the Title of the module, Assigned Users, percentage of Completed Users and the Average Time Spent on the module.

Above the overview you can find the overall number of assigned users and percentage of completed users. From this overview in the top right corner you are able to search for specific modules and export an overview of all modules which will be send to you through email.

By clicking on a selected module title you will gain further insights into the Progress of every user assigned to that module, the Score of the test included in the module, Time Spent on the module, the Deadline for completing the module if specified, Completion At of the module shown as date and time, nearest renewal deadline as Expire Date if renewal is applied and information if the module was Renewed already in the past.

Clicking on a selected user provides even further details into time spent on each step in the module as it shows Step Started and Step Completed incl. the individual Score for any tests included in the module.

Organizational filters in the reports 

Applying the organizational filter allows for viewing the progress based on Departments, Users, Teams and Managers.

Regular employees with user access rights, per default will only be able to find themselves through this filter. Department Managers, Direct Managers and Team Leaders, will be able to find themselves as well as their employees. Admins can access everyone's progress. 

In the right-hand side of the menu you are able to search for individual users and view the results based on Status.

Finally, you may export a full overview of this specific module incl. the progress of each assigned users. The report is generated in Excel and forwarded through email. The same reporting possibilities apply to Program Insights.

Test results

Accessing Test results provides an overview of all tests generated in the platform as part of a module. 

In the test results overview you can find the following information: Test Title, Module name, Average Score and the number of Questions

You can filter the search results, through the left side bar, based on Departments, Users, Teams and Managers in the same way as with the Module and Program insights. 

By clicking on a specific test you are presented with the distribution of answers for each question and you can expand See users answers for individual answers of each user.

Here, you will also be able to download the files that individual users uploaded in the Upload file question within a test by clicking on the name of the user.

Subsequently, the results may be exported through email and further processed in Excel.

Similar reporting possibilities apply to Survey results.

Work Engagement survey results 

When you access the specific results of a survey by clicking on the line with the proper survey title in Work Engagement results, you will find the overview of Participation Rate, Participation Target, and number of Participants Invited, Participants Answered and Participants Not-Answered. You will also find the overall Work Engagement Index including 'strong' and 'weak' area that was set in the work engagement survey settings.

When you scroll down in the main view you will find the overall work engagement index for question groups, then for each question, an average score for each question, how the answers are distributed between specific ratings and finally the answers from users, which in this type of survey are usually anonymized.  

In the left hand filter you can select the department for which you would like to see the results or results by specific manager name.

Checklists results 

Accessing insights for Checklists first provides you with an overview of all checklists with Type, Title and Compliance rate.

The search function and built-in filter allows for specification of the Type of checklist and the Compliance range you want to have displayed in the results. You can also expand the calendar dropdown to filter based on a specific time frame.

Similar to other types of standard reports you may also filter based on Departments, Users, Teams and Managers through the left-hand filter.

While accessing a specific checklist you will be able to see who was assigned to the checklist, Filled out by for specific tasks, the Progress and Submission Date as well as Compliance status.

To learn more about checklists please read How to use Checklists in eloomi.


The standard report for the Leaderboard provides insights about ranking based on Points, Learning index or Performance index.

Note: Performance index will only appear if Performance Management is enabled on the platform.

Apply the left-hand filter to view the leaderboard based on Departments, Users, Teams and Managers.

Finally, you can export the overview to Excel. The file will be send out through email.

Advanced Report Settings

Managing report cover pictures

Navigate to Admin > Settings > Manage Report covers to customize the Standard reports' cover pictures and re-arrange the order in which standard reports are displayed.

Statistics and comparisons 

In Admin > Settings > Statistics and comparisons you can specify if inactive users should be included in the Standard reports. These would include pending and deactivated users. Finally, you can specify if users are allowed to compare themselves to departments at the same hierarchy level.

To learn about the standard reports and statistics in the platform, we suggest this tutorial video.

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