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New Manager Insights report
New Manager Insights report

The new manager overview provides a quick and easy-to-use interface to view learning completions

Alexander Kure avatar
Written by Alexander Kure
Updated over 6 months ago

The new manager overview tool allows you to create reports based on specific parameters to track learning progress on modules/programs for any users or departments.


On the top navigation bar, click the Manager or go to Discover > Insights tab to access the manager overview.

Here you will be presented with the following layout:

  • A: Filters that allow you to narrow down your search for modules/programs, departments, course types, categories, and more based on your needs (see more in section: Filters explained).

  • B: Overview that accumulates percentage for courses that are either ‘Completed’, ‘in progress’, or ‘not started’ for a selected range of users. The functions 'Show users' under 'Not started' and 'Missed Deadline' can be used to display the respective users in the result overview (D).

  • C: Overview of selected modules/programs that have not been started or have a missed deadline.

  • D: Results overview for users, departments, course name + course data (status, type, required, deadline, etc.).
    In this overview, it is also possible to add more columns with relevant data via the

    Manage Columns” tab. (see further explanation in the example below) and also

    ‘Export’ the report.

  • F. More functionalities:

    • Create New Report: This allows you to save a report based on your selections (see more in section: How to save and share a report).

    • Manage Columns: Administer columns can be used to add additional columns of data on courses and users in Results Overview or to be part of an exported report as a report in Excel format. (see more in the section: How to create a report).

    • Export: Allows you to export a report in .csv/.xlxs format. The report will be sent to your email. ​

Filters explained:

  • Show users without modules: Show only users with matching courses (can be combined with the 'Courses' filter).

  • Departments: Filters to show specific departments.

  • Users: Filters to show all or specific users.

  • Teams: Filters to show all or specific teams.

  • Required: Filters to show optional or required modules.

  • Status: Filters to show whether a module has been: 'not started', 'started', 'not completed', 'completed', 'signed up', 'not signed up'. It is possible to select more and combine different statuses with this filter..

  • Courses: Here, all courses can be searched and selected from the list. By default, all course types are shown (online, webinar, onsite). If you are looking to have a specific course type shown from the list, we recommend combining this filter 'Course Type' filter.

  • Programs: Can be used to filter for all or specific programs.

  • Program assignment:

  • Team assignments:


  • Course Type: Filter by type of course: E-learning, Onsite training, or Webinar.

  • Categories: Filters for all or specific training categories.

  • Deadline: Can be used to filter modules that: 'Have a deadline', 'Deadline due soon', 'Deadline overdue', or 'Has no deadline'.

How to create a report

In this example, we will show how to easily generate a simple rapport by making use of some of the filtering options + demonstrating how to add more columns to a report for a more detailed report.

Step 1: Applying filters

Start by applying filters from the left-hand side menu:

  • Department: From the department filter you can search or select any of the departments in your hierarchy or search directly for any specific department. To select, simply click the box. To unfold and see sub-departments, click the chevron next to the tick box.

  • Courses: From the course filter you can search or select any courses from the menu.

  • Status: Filter for modules that are: not started, started, not completed, completed, signed up, not signed up.

Step 2: Adding columns.

Once you’ve applied the filters to your liking, you can add more columns to the report in case you need to see more specific data in the report on either users, modules/programs, or both.

Click ‘Manage Columns’ > click 'Learning' > select columns

From this menu, you can add more columns to the report e.g.

‘Assigned at, started at, process, score, time spent, etc.’ and more.

Once you’ve selected the columns, the added columns will now show in the report overview page:

Once you are happy with the results and need to review the report in an Excel file, simply click the Export button next to the 'Manage Column' button.

The report will be sent to your email inbox*.

*Please allow up to 30 minutes for the report to be generated and sent.

How to save a report:

This section will explain how to save and share a report.

Step 1: Start by applying the filters from the left-hand side based on your needs.

In this example, we will apply the same filters as in the report created in the section: How to create a report.

Step 2: Once you have selected the filters the report must be based on, now click the 'Create New Report' button.

Now you will be presented with the option to save and name the report.

Step 3: When the report has been saved, a drop-down will now appear from where you can select between all saved reports.

If you wish to create a new report, simply select 'New Report' from the drop-down and all filters will be reset and the 'Create New report' button will become visible again.

How to share and schedule reports:

When the report has been saved you can now share it with other users or admins. To do so click the 'Share' button.

In the next window, type in the name of the user/admin in the search bar, then click the drop-down menu afterward to see results and select the users/admin.

Once you have selected all users/admins the report needs to be shared with, click 'Share Report'. The user the report has been shared with now be able to select the report from the drop-down menu as described in the section 'How to save and share a report'.

How to schedule a report

To schedule a report, click the 'Schedule' button:

With this option, you can select if a report should be scheduled on a:

Daily, Weekly, or Monthly basis.

By selecting Daily, the report will be sent each day.

By selecting Weekly, you can select which day for the report to be sent.

By selecting Monthly, you can select the exact days when the report is to be sent.

NOTE: Scheduling a report is done individually and does not apply to the users it is shared with. Users that a report has been shared with, will have to set up scheduling on the report by themselves.

How to copy a report:

To make a copy of a report, click the 'Make Copy' button.

From here you can give the copied a new name.

The copied report will now appear in the drop-down menu.

How to delete a report:

To delete a report, simply select the report you wish to delete from the drop-down menu and click the 'Delete' button.

NOTE⚠️: If a report is deleted it will not be possible to retrieve it again.

Using New Insights with onsite/webinar modules

Here are a couple of good tips on how the New Insights feature can be used to retrieve useful information on Onsite/Webinar Modules.

Scenario 1: How to see signed-up users without including users marked as 'attended' on an Onsite/webinar module.

Step 1: Select Onsite or Webinar from the filter 'Course type'.

Step 2: Select the respective course(s) from the filter 'Courses'.

Step 3: Select 'Signed up' along with 'Not completed' from the filter 'Status'.

Scenario 2: Users who have been marked as attended an onsite/webinar module:

Step 1: Select Onsite or Webinar from the filter 'Course type'.

Step 2: Select the respective course(s) from the filter 'Courses'.

Step 3: Select 'Signed up' along with 'Completed' from the filter 'Status'.

The results will now be shown in the results overview in the 'Course status' column.

In case you have any questions or if you need to have any of the additional features (Share, schedule, delete report) enabled, please reach out to [email protected]

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