User Roles

This article describes the different user roles in the platform.

Juliane avatar
Written by Juliane
Updated over a week ago

One of the first steps in your eloomi platform implementation is to set up your organization. A key building block to consider: who are the different user groups in the platform and what are their roles?

The eloomi platform differentiates between the following roles:

  • User

  • Manager

  • Admin

  • User in an Access Group

Let`s have a look at each of these roles and the permissions they have in the platform.

1. User

A user with regular user rights in the platform corresponds to an employee without managerial responsibilities for other employees in your organization.

This user only has access to their individual statistics on assigned content in the platform. That means, they can only see their own reporting data regarding modules, programs, tests, checklists and surveys.

Learn about how to Create Users.

2. Manager

Users with regular user rights who are Department, Direct or Team Managers i.E. an employee with managerial responsibilities for (a) department(s), users or (a) team(s).

Any of these three Manager types in the platform has access to their individual statistics and can access and see the learning statistics on content that is assigned to any of their sub-ordinates.

Note: a Department, Direct or Team Manager is not able to assign learning to any of their sub-ordinates without being granted additional administrative permissions through an Access Group.

Read more about how to setup your Organizational hierarchy and department overview

3. Admin

Basically, an Admin has full access to any part of the platform without any limitations.

It is a powerful role so ensure that only the necessary people have Admin rights.

An admin can access and see the learning statistics of all users in the platform.

As an admin, you can setup and administrate the organizational hierchary and user data, platform branding, general settings, create and assign learning, etc. trough the Admin menu in the top navigation.

To specify that a user should have Admin rights in the platform, navigate to Admin > Organisation > Create new user / Edit user > Access Control and select Admin from the Dropdown.

4. User in an Access Group

An Access Group either gives elevated permissions to a normal user, or restricts access to areas of the platform for users.

Let`s look at two different Use Case examples:

User with elevated permissions to Create Content

Content Creators' access, aka 'mini-admin' access, can be given to certain users so they can create content. This might be someone in your Marketing Team, who is responsible for content creation, but should not have access to any user data in the platform.

By granting this user access to Admin > Learning through an Access Group, they will have access to the sub-menu Admin > Learning but cannot access any other part of the Admin menu e.g. Organisation.

User without restricted access to limit the Rewards menu

You might wish to disable the Points and Trophies sub-menu tab for a number of users, departments or your whole organisation. This can be achieved by limiting user permissions through an Access Group, disabling Points and Trophies.

Users that are assigned to this Access Group will still have access to the menu Rewards, but the sub-menus for Points and Trophies will not be visible.

To learn how to create and assign an access group to users and departments read User Access Permissions.


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