Create a User

This article teaches you how to create a new user in the platform

eloomi Admin avatar
Written by eloomi Admin
Updated over a week ago

What is amazing learning content, if you don't have anyone to assign it to?

To create a new user in your platform, navigate to Admin > Organisation > Create new user

Three user properties are required when creating a user: 

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Email address OR Username

Adding a username to the profile allows for a user without an email address to login to the platform using only their username and password. If both an email address and username have been specified for a user, that user may choose to login to the platform using either the Email or Username and Password.

Note: Users without a specified email address will not receive any mail notifications from the platform.

Personal details and Organisational data, all of which are optional, could be added for the user during creation or later by editing the user profile.

Setting the Access controls allows you to specify the user rights and access on the platform.

User Rights:

  • Admin = full access rights (platform admin)

  • User group = regular employee

Finally, you may specify one or more Access groups which the user should belong to.

To learn more about the access group permissions read User Access Permissions.

Bonus info: Enabling the Activation toggle upon user creation will trigger an activation mail which is sent to the new user immediately. Alternatively, you may want to review the created user profile before activating the user.

To finalise the user creation, click "Create user" and return to Admin > Organisation

Learn about how to Activate Users.

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