This article explains the different dashboard widgets available in eloomi: what they are, when and why you should display them, and some best practices on setting them up.
You can select and enable dashboard widgets by navigating to Admin > Settings > Dashboard Widgets.
Below, you will find a list of Widgets with descriptions of their functionality. The widgets are listed in the order they will appear on the Dashboard if enabled.
This widget displays the categories you enable to show on the dashboard. Learn how to customize and choose categories appearing in this widget here. Use this widget if you want users to easily navigate through assigned modules and programs associated with a particular category from the dashboard.
Learning Modules
This widget displays the learning modules and programs assigned to you. How the modules and programs appear on the widget follows the Sort Ordering logic in eloomi. The "Go to Module Overview" link directs you to your "My Learning" page. As best practice, this widget should always be enabled so users can easily find their trainings.
You can organize the learning visible in the widget with the following toggles:
If you say YES to all of the above, this means that all learning assigned will appear on the widget. If you decide to opt out (NO) on any of the above, then there will be some differences on what a user can see in the widget compared to the "My Learning" page - which always shows all the learning assigned to a user.
This widget shows all module and program deadlines, and schedules assigned to you. Using this widget is an easy way to remind users of the important dates on their learning journey.
My Employees
If you are a department or direct manager, this widget gives you a list of your employees while allowing you to easily evaluate their goals and create a coaching session. The "Go to Performance overview" link directs you to the People Performance page.
News Feed
This widget displays the platform news shared with you via News Feed. You may choose to highlight the first news item. The News Feed widget is eloomi's version of a "bulletin board". Enable this widget if you are actively sending out news to your users so they'll never miss any important information you shared.
In this widget, you can see the checklists assigned to you and you can easily open any checklist from this widget by clicking on its title.
Learning Index
This widget displays your Learning Index and redirects you to your Learning Dashboard. It allows you to easily track your learning performance. (Only tracks required learning)
Coaching Sessions
This widget displays your active coaching sessions with the status and deadline.
You can launch any coaching session from this widget by clicking on it. If you are heavily using Coaching, enabling this will definitely enhance your user experience.
Profile card
This widget gives you a snapshot of your achievements: your overall Performance Index and ranking, your Learning Index, and total points achieved. This is an interesting widget to enable if you are using the full eloomi solution.
Performance Index
This widget displays your Performance Index and redirects you to your Goals page. It allows you to easily track your goal performance.
Points Ranking
This widget shows your points earned from Learning, Loyalty points and Trophies, and shows your rank against other users. It displays the five users above and below you. The "Points Leaderboard" link directs you to your Points page.
PI Ranking
This widget shows the Performance Indices of all users in your platform. The users you see is limited by your access rights (admin, user, manager role, access group, etc).
Trophies Achieved
As the name suggests, this widget shows the status of your trophies achieved. The "Trophies Overview" link directs you to your Trophies page. Enable this widget if you are using gamification and find it important for all users to easily track their trophies.
Advanced Points widget
This widget is similar to the Points Ranking widget with added filters. This widget allows you to limit visibility on the user rankings to departments. Use this instead of the Points Ranking widget if, due to privacy reasons, you need to restrict user visibility only to their department. Reach out to the in-platform chat or your dedicated Solution Expert to enable "limit points to department tree".
Onsite Learning widget
This widget displays all onsite events that have been assigned to you. You can filter on Status and Date. You can easily open any onsite event/module by clicking on its title. If you organize a lot of onsite modules in eloomi, it is recommended to enable this widget.
Widget bundles
This section provides you with an overview of which widgets are related to which parts of the platform.
LMS solution
Learning modules
Learning index
Points Ranking
Trophies achieved
Advanced points widget
Onsite learning widget
βPerformance solution
My employees
Coaching sessions
Performance index
PI Ranking
Universal widgets
News Feed
Profile card
my360+ (Please note this widget is only available when you purchase my360+)
Best Practice
While you can technically enable all widgets on your platform, in some cases, that is not the most user-friendly way. As a best practice, only enable widgets that you believe would be most beneficial for your users. Remember that the dashboard page is the first thing you see when logging into eloomi. Ask yourself, what would I like to immediately see on this page? Why is that important?
Since most of the widgets' information are available on the other tabs in the platform (Learning, Performance, Rewards, Discover), you can choose to forego the non-essential widgets and use the navigation tabs to view them instead.
Please note
Only a full admin can enable the dashboard widgets.
While by default the widgets appear in a specific order, any user can move widgets around on their account as they desire. An admin cannot lock the order of the widgets.