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User Access Groups

This article takes you on a tour of how to create and assign an access group to users and departments through different use cases.

eloomi Admin avatar
Written by eloomi Admin
Updated over 3 years ago

Access Groups allow platform admins to give elevated permissions to a normal user, or to restrict areas of the platform for users.

This video's duration is 05:01. Timestamps:

  • Access control (00:00)

  • Creating access groups (00:30)

  • Assigning access group to users (02:12)

  • Assigning access groups to departments (02:51)

  • Access group data access (04:13)

Scenario 1: Using Access Groups to delegate responsibilities to admin's peers

A Department Manager might be required to edit a learning deadline for a user they manage (becoming a Learning Manager). An Access Group given to this manager will allow them access to Admin > Learning, and the ability to assign and edit learning assignments for users they manage.

Important: To complete the above set-up, the Learning Manager would need to be given access to their specific department, before or after being assigned the Access Group. You can read about how using Access Groups to create Content Creators or Mini Admins in Section 4.

Scenario 2: Create an Access Group to disable the Points sub-menu for users

You might wish to disable the Points sub-menu tab for a number of users. This can be achieved through the following steps.

Navigate to Admin > Settings > Access Groups.

Click Create Access Group, give it a Name and add a Description.

Under User Access Permissions, enable the platform areas which should remain visible to the user and leave areas which should be disabled toggled off.

Important: If using Access Groups for scenario 1, remember to enable User Access Permissions in addition to Learning under Administration Permissions, as your Learning Manager should still retain access to standard tabs such as Learning.

Save & go to overview.

To assign the new access group to a user or department navigate to Admin > Organisation.

Locate and Edit an existing User or Department and go to the bottom of the page. Select the access group from the appropriate drop-down under Access control. Finish by clicking "Update user/department" depending on which of these you are editing.

Note: It is easier and faster to apply an Access Group in scenario 2 to entire departments if applicable. 

Scenario 3: Using Access Groups to differentiate access for individuals

An Access Group disabling Points is given to a Department, yet the Department Manager is, as an individual, given a further Access Group to additionally become a Learning Manager.

In scenario 3, the Department Manager's Access Groups will merge with that on the Department. Provided Points is also disabled in the Manager's Access Group, and under Administration Permissions, Learning is toggled on, the Department Manager will simply gain access to Admin > Learning and will not see the Points tab as intended.

Scenario 4: Creating content creators or 'mini-admins'.

Content Creators' access, aka 'mini-admin' access, can be given to certain users so they can create and share content, as controlled by you.

This is a multi-step process as described below:

1. Create Access Group:

You can create an Access Group from Admin > Settings > Access Groups. This is where you can allow content creators to have access to the Admin part of Learning.

Once the access group is created it needs to be assigned to the users who will be creating content for their departments.

Please see the below video on creating Access Groups:

Duration (03:38)

2. Add Learning Manager

Navigate to the specific department from Admin > Organization > Departments and click on the edit department sign. Here you will add the specific users to specific departments in order to give them the access to create and assign content. Add the user as a Department Learning Manager.

General advise:

Do not assign users to more than one access group as the access rights overwrite each other and also make sure to not add admins to an access group to not limit their access to all platform functionalities.

Important: Platform Settings

Each eloomi platform has some important settings that you can enable or disable. These control if the content creators can only see the content they create, or if they can see all content created on the platform. You can manage these settings from Admin > Settings > Company details.

The same access can also be given to Department Performance or Organizational Managers.

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