Legal Consent - User Prompts

This article will describe how to enable and use Legal consent user prompts (GDPR) in eloomi

Zaheer Haral avatar
Written by Zaheer Haral
Updated over a week ago

You can now ensure you receive consent from users for the use of their data and/or ask users for an input on agreeing to the Terms and Conditions through the use of User prompts in eloomi

The first step in setting up User Prompts is to create a Legal and Data Processing Consent.  This can be done by navigating to Admin > Settings > Legal & Data Processing Consent

Now, via Admin > Settings > Company Details you can define the different areas the user must be prompted on before being activated and gaining access to your eloomi platform

Note: the User will be presented with these Prompts once he/she tries to access the platform for the first time (depending on the way user is activated) 

As a user, selecting the check box and clicking to Activate will allow the user to gain access to the platform. Once the user has been activated you can rest assured that he/she has provided the predefined Consent to Legal Ts & Cs :)

In addition to Predefined Prompts, you can also setup Custom Prompts for a user from the Admin > Organisation overview

Here you can enable or disable any custom prompts required for a specific user or a group of users

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