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Import SCORM Courses
Kenneth Granno avatar
Written by Kenneth Granno
Updated over 2 years ago

This article will help you in case you are working with SCORM courses and wish to run these through the eloomi LMS.


When developing e-learning content you may want to transfer existing SCORM modules or you may be working with Articulate or other SCORM developing systems to build dynamic learning material.

eloomi supports both playing and reporting on SCORM files, like most other LMS systems. Although SCORM is a great source for dynamic content there are certain things you must take into consideration before uploading your SCORM files.

How to upload a SCORM file

SCORM files generally come in the form of a .ZIP file containing all the course data. You can upload the SCORM file to eloomi and run it through the LMS to share learning with your users.

It is very simple and easy to upload a SCORM file and you can do that while "editing/creating" a module and through "Adding Steps"

Click on the SCORM option shown in image above to start adding the SCORM file to your module

  • Add a title for the SCORM step (please consider this carefully in case module has multiple SCORM or other multimedia elements)

  • Add a Description about the type of learning/theme so the learner gets a good idea around the learning

  • Choose in case you have a test built into the SCORM and want users to achieve a certain amount of correct answers. You can choose this validation option to set up a required complete or passed status information from your SCORM file.               Please make sure that test/or completion data is exported with your SCORM file.

  • Use in case you want to hide the SCORM menu from the users. If your SCORM course does not contain internal menu/navigation you can let the eloomi LMS show the navigation instead. For example, you might want to keep your own SCORM navigation and toggle this setting on to hide the SCORM menu from the eloomi LMS.

Supported SCORM versions in eloomi

eloomi supports both SCORM 1.2 and 2004 formats. As a general rule we recommend SCORM 2004 as the preferred format.

One of the reasons eloomi recommend the SCORM 2004 format is partly because of improved reporting capabilities in this format (read more about some of the advantages using SCORM 2004 in terms of reporting here and here).

All the data we can get must be set from the SCORM to API (this part depends on SCORM developers)

Available data that we can get from API:


- Result (correct or incorrect answer for question)

- Type of question

- Technical data

SCORM 2004 from 1st to 4th Edition

- Text of question

- Result (correct or incorrect answer for question)

- Type of question

- Technical data

SCORM Reporting

Data from your SCORM modules will be available in eloomi under Discovery -> Standard Reports -> Module Insights or Test Insights (for in depth reporting on SCORM modules containing Quiz’/tests).

If you’re using SCORM 1.2 format and your content contains quiz/test elements that you need to report on, please make sure that you pass the answer data to the “project.txt” file for correct reporting.

Update regarding FLASH 

Some SCORM modules are based on Adobe Flash technology and Adobe has announced that they will end their support of that technology. This is an update that is unfortunately out of eloomi’s control.

However, we recommend that you migrate all your SCORM modules to HTML5 and reimport the files in the existing eloomi modules. If you have questions on how to do the migration process, please reach out to your content publisher.


Please be aware that eloomi does not support AICC content.

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