How to use Checklists in eloomi

Follow this guide to get started with Checklists in eloomi.

Zaheer Haral avatar
Written by Zaheer Haral
Updated over a week ago

Dashboard - The checklists widget

If the widget is enabled via the platform settings, users are able to see a widget called Checklists. The purpose of this widget is to quickly gain access to the most relevant assigned checklists. Click on a checklist to jump directly into it, or click on the widget titled Checklists to see the overview page.

My checklist overview

On this page, users have the total overview of all active checklists assigned to them. In this case the user has 3 checklists assigned: 1 To do (blue symbol) and 2 Review lists (green symbol). The To do list is marked as Completed since all of the list's checkmarks are filled out. One of the Review lists is recurring tomorrow and therefore the user has only 19 hours left to perform and submit this list. Read more about recurring/repeating checklists under Setup Checklist: Basic details.

You can always search, sort or filter through the assigned checklists. This feature is particularly useful if you are assigned to several checklists.

Checklist history

When a checklist is completed or failed, it will be archived under the History tab within a couple of days (the default is set to 3 days). You can sort through the archived checklists by clicking on the different table column titles. Users are still able to see all of their archived checklists by simply clicking on a checklist row to open it. However, checkmarks for checklist tasks and existing comments and attachments are locked, and can't be edited or deleted.

You can also delete archived checklists, but please be aware that deleted checklists from the history CANNOT be recreated.

Administration: Checklist

Enter the checklist administration by going to Administration > Checklists from the top navigation. Here admins can see, edit and manage assignments on all the platforms existing checklists.

Edit existing checklists by clicking the Edit (pencil) icon, or manage assignments by clicking the Assign (pin) icon - when hovering over a table row. Delete a checklist by clicking on the Delete (trash bin) icon. However, please be aware that all content in relation to the selected Checklist will be deleted as well.

When creating a new Checklist, click the blue button Create new Checklist and select if you want to create a To do list or a Review list.

Setup Checklist: Basic details

The first step to set up when creating a Checklist is the Basic details. Type a title, add a description (optional) and add a cover picture (optional).

Recurring List

Manage whether the checklist should be completed repeatedly (daily, weekly, monthly).

When a list is set to repeat, the chosen Date and Reset time will determine when an active list will be 'locked' and a new list is assigned instead. If the users have not submitted a checklist before the due date, it will be marked as Non-compliant and thus incomplete.

Setup Checklist: Connections

(This feature is only available on a Review list and is optional)

Connect the checklist to a specific part of the organisation.

Example: The store review
A store/shop review would be connected to the stores (departments) that should have conducted the review. Assigned users will receive a checklist for each of the selected connected departments.

Case example: Review list called Store review is connected to 3 departments: Store 1, Store 2 and Store 3. List is assigned to User A, that is the regional manager and in this case responsible for performing the review. User A will receive notifications about his/her assigned checklists. The regional manager can now find/access the 3 checklists from within his platform. The naming of each list will contain the connected department name at the end of the checklist title (i.e. Store review - Store 1).

Connection Level

If you have several regions with different managers responsible for each of them, the Connection Level function can separate the stores (departments), so that the managers don't get other region's stores Review list assigned.

Case example: Review list called Store review is connected to 2 departments called Store 1 and Store 2, both stores are placed in a main department called Region 1. List is also connected to Store 3 and Store 4 placed in main department called Region 2. List is assigned to User A (Region manager in Region 1) and to User B (Region manager in Region 2).

If the connection level is set to All levels: Both User A and User B will have review lists for ALL stores assigned

If the connection level is set to Level 2: User A will have review lists for store 1 and 2. User B will have store 3 and 4.

Setup Checklist: The list

Time to build those beautiful checklists. First you have to add a task group title. Click ENTER to start adding tasks. Type a task title and again, and hit ENTER to add another task. When the task list is complete, hit ESC or click outside the task list container to leave the list editor. You can now move, delete or edit all added tasks.

By hovering over a task, you have the following options by clicking the icons:

  • Edit the task title

  • Add a task description

  • Set a score

  • Mark as a required task

  • Delete

  • Move

  • Duplicate

  • Notify - with this option you can select who needs to be notified when the task is completed, e.g. department manager or any platform user. 

Add more tasks in an existing task group by clicking the blue "+" icon. Alternatively, add a new task group by clicking the Add new task group in the bottom box.

Do note, the order of tasks groups cannot be changed.

Setup Checklist: Advanced details

Task commenting

Allows a user to add a comment or attachments to each task in the checklist (max number of characters is 255).

General feedback box

Shows a general comment/attachments box at the bottom of the checklist.

Task is N/A

Means that users can mark tasks as Not Available (leaving it blank). If the tasks contain a score, it will be deducted from the total score and therefore won't count.

Case example: A store doesn't have a customer toilet, and therefore it can't be marked as "approved" or "failed".

Individual list 

Applies to 'TO DO' list only. If it's NOT toggled everyone who is assigned to that checklist will participating in completing checklist. Example: daily checklist for clean check in the restaurant, which will be completed by employees from morning, afternoon and evening shift. 

Allow retry

Makes it possible for a user to retake a failed Review checklist.


Manage when lists are archived in the user's “History” page. By default this is set to 3 days.

Example: User submits an Approved Review list by the 20th, the list will be marked as Compliant and archived automatically by 23rd.

Example 2: User doesn't submit a Review list before the deadline, the list will be marked as Non-compliant and archived automatically 3 days after due date.

Signature field

Add a name/signature field at the bottom of the list. This is relevant if the eloomi license is shared and used by multiple people.

Case example: Employee in a store signs in to eloomi through the store mail. He/she fills out a checklist and uses the signature field to provide info to the manager about who filled out the list.

Assign checklist

Once a checklist is created, you can assign it to users via the Checklist administration overview. Click the Assign icon to manage the checklist's assignments. If the checklists have any existing assignments, they will be listed in the User assignments table. You can remove current assignments by clicking the Trash bin next to the user's name when hovering over the row. If you wish to bulk remove assignments, select multiple users via the check boxes and simply hit the Trash bin, placed at the top of the table.

Please be aware that removing a user will also remove his/her submitted checklist results.

To assign one or multiple new users to a checklist, click the blue Assign users button and select which users the checklist should be assigned to.


Updating content in an existing checklist that has users assigned

When list is NOT recurring: You can't update content on checklists that are already assigned. The only way to update when the checklist is not recurring is to unassign the assigned users, and then reassign them. This is to prevent mixed results in your reports.

When list IS recurring: You can change content and checklist settings. Updates will be implemented when the checklist is repeated and therefore reassigned. Please note, changing too much on the list and its tasks can mess up the overall reporting for this checklist. In that case, we recommend creating and assigning a new list.


Follow checklist submissions through the Checklists reports.

Go to Discover > Standard Reports and select Checklists.

Checklist Overview

From the first view you can see all assigned checklists within the organisation. Click on a list to see the results for that specific checklist.

Search: search on checklist title to find a specific checklist (click on the search icon).

Filter: filter by organisational assignments (through the left filter sidebar) or by checklist "Type" or "Compliance" status in the table filter (click on the filter icon).

Sort: click on the column titles in the table to sort by checklist "Type" and "Title".

Checklist Results

See submission status on all assignment's checklists. Search, filter and sort exactly like on the Overview.

Jump directly into a checklist by clicking on the row, or click on the user name to see the user profile page.

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