Platform Loading Slow

Let us explain different reasons why your platform might show slow performance and extended loading times.

Zaheer Haral avatar
Written by Zaheer Haral
Updated over a week ago

eloomi is a web-based LMS platform, and due to large and complex data sets it can sometimes take a while to load in certain areas (like reports for example).

However, there are two main reasons for the slow performance on the platform, namely:

Internet speed: internet speed is crucial when it comes to loading modules or reports in eloomi. If the platform takes time to load please check your internet connection

Browser: eloomi is optimised for all standard browsers and we can support the latest versions of Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Microsoft Edge. Internet Explorer is no longer supported.

Additionally, please be aware that if any of your branding images have a very large resolution size (example: 12500x5833), this will affect the platform performance for admins and users.

In case you are unable to access the platform and/or receive an error screen, please reach out via your in-platform chat or give us a call on +45 31 31 60 60.

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