Test Step of Online Modules

This article covers the test questions (rating, option choice, text, information, file upload) and the test settings.

eloomi Admin avatar
Written by eloomi Admin
Updated over a week ago

This article will go over the Test step which you can add when you create an online module. You can also read the article about How to Create an Online Module.

Adding a Test to a module could help your organization validate the knowledge acquired by the user.

To add a test, click on Add step and select Test. First add a Title and optional Description to the test. Next you have to specify whether you wish to Validate answers and if so, set the Pass % which determines what percentage of correct answers are needed to pass the test.

Keep in mind that only the option choice question can be specified as to whether an answer is correct or incorrect, as the other question answers are automatically calculated as correct.

You may also allow retake of failed tests by specifying Max attempts, the maximum number of retakes, and enable randomizing the order of the questions through Randomize questions.
You can click on the Add new question button to add more questions.

The platform supports five types of questions, so let’s have a look at each type.

1. Rating Question

Adding a Rating question allows for a user to respond to the question by selecting the correct answer/answer that best applies for them from a rating scale. First, you can choose to add an optional Intro to the question. Then the actual Question and them you can add Rating #1 followed by as many ratings as you would like for the user to select between using the Add new rating button. For example: Good, OK, Bad.

2. Options Question (i.e. Multiple Choice)

Next, we have the multiple choice question which allows the user to select one or more correct answers from a predefined list of options. First you have the opportunity to add an option, an Intro and then the actual Question. E.g. "How many employees are in the company?". You then select the Answer Possibilities i.e. whether there are one or more correct answers to the question. Further, you specify the Answer Order deciding whether you want to randomize the order of possible answers. Lastly, you start putting in Answer #1 and you can add as many answer options as you would like using the Add new answer button. Remember to specify which answer(s) is/are correct depending on your setting for Answer Possibilities.

Note: To specify the correct answer, tick the box to the left of the Answer Possibilities.

3. Text Question

The next type of question is a Text question which basically is a free text question in which the user provides the answer in a blank free text box. You can add an optional Intro and the Question to be answered. E.g. "How would you resolve it?"

4. Information "Question"

The final type of question is not a question but rather an information box in which information could be conveyed to the user without the option to reply. You can add an optional Intro, a Header and the information to be conveyed to the user. in the Question box One example of such information could be a summary of the topics in the test or other additional questions for the user to reflect upon but which are not meant to be answered during the text. E.g. "How will you apply the new knowledge?"

5. File Upload Question

A newly released feature is the file upload question, which provides the user with the possibility to upload a collection of files within the test. It can be multiple files with different formats and the total maximum upload size is 1GB.

Managers and admins will be able to download the files when navigating to Discover > Standard Reports > Test Results > See users answers.

Question feedback.

When the user does not reach the pass percentage, a small pop-up window will appear which shows the questions (and its corresponding answers) to which the user answered incorrectly. It will not show which answers are correct.

When the user reaches the minimum pass percentage, all questions and answers will show up for the users to review not initially, but when then module is completed.

Note: At any time during the creation of a test you can change the order in which questions are presented in the test by clicking the up and down arrows. You can delete a question by clicking the bucket icon or click the copy icon to copy a question and save time when creating similar types of questions or answers.

Similar to other types of steps, you may also change the order in which the test appears in the module relating to other steps by dragging the test step and swapping its position with another step.

Be aware that if you create a number of test steps in one module, and if all these tests require a minimum pass percentage, the user has to pass every single test in order to move on in the module. Thus, make sure to specify at least more than one max attempt to pass the test.

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